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Discomfort is a Gateway for Your Breakthrough

Uncategorized May 12, 2021
Our instinct is to rush through discomfort...
By dismissing it
Getting angry
Getting busy doing ANYTHING but sitting in the feelings
Of hurt, guilt, shame, embarrassment....
No matter what the situation
Whether you find yourself in a conversation where you said something off the cuff that didn't feel good, or that hurt someone else's feelings and you feel embarrassed.
Maybe one of your children tells you that you suck as a parent and are ruining their lives... even though you have been trying your hardest.
Maybe client or co-worker tells you how they aren't happy with your work, what you did or said was wrong, etc...and you already feel like you are not good enough...
INSTEAD of running away from how uncomfortable you feel about the situation....
Don't wallow in it, but have the courage to dig into it, to question it.
Here is a list of questions to help guide you.
1. Identify what feeling is coming up for you. Get specific. This may take some time, and that's ok.
2. Ask yourself, Is there any truth to what the other person said, or in the story I am telling myself? What is true and what is not true?
3. What was my intention behind the action, that caused the discomfort?
4. Was my intention behind the action, aligned with my values? Was it coming from a place of fear or love?
5. What do I need to learn from the discomfort in order to be the best version of myself?
6. Show up and Own up or Stand up to what caused the discomfort with transparency, love and honesty. This will earn respect.
7. Choose to accept yourself through everything, you will never be perfect, so why choose to think that's an option or a valid expectation?
We are here to learn and grow, discomfort is showing us the way. It's a good thing, even if it doesn't feel like it.
When you choose to go through this process you will start stepping into ...
The Mother, Wife and Change maker that is willing to....
See her mistakes and own them fully, with love and acceptance.
Is willing to weather the storm of her children, husbands and clients emotions without taking them on as her own, while standing in the truth of who she is, with confidence and compassion.
Is willing to assess if she is making her decisions from a place of fear or from a place of power & love.
Is willing to course correct if she needs to so she is always choosing to stand in her power.
Is willing to BE the type of WOMAN THAT CHANGES THE WORLD.
Sending love, Callie

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