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Are You Rejecting Success?

Uncategorized Dec 10, 2020

Are you rejecting success? Let’s take a look at what rejection is, rejection is dismissing or refusing a proposal, idea, or belief. 

Hmmm, is there a part of you that is refusing the idea or belief that you are a wealthy, happy, valuable, successful person? 

Are your thoughts, beliefs, stories, and values aligned with being successful? 

Do you find yourself easily accepting compliments?

Or, do you find yourself uncomfortable receiving compliments and find yourself rejecting them or deflecting them? 

What about accepting gifts, money, opportunities, wealth, love, peace, joy…

Do you find it easy to accept those things? 

Let’s take a look at acceptance, acceptance is the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered. 

Do your actions line up with acceptance? 

If your identity, who you are, is not in alignment with what you want, you will self-sabotage in some form or another...

Maybe you feel like a hot mess, or you feel like an imposter, maybe you are full of self-doubt, negative self-talk, feeling exhausted, you procrastinate, get into perfectionism…maybe you find yourself running late all the time, forgetting things, and then you beating yourself up about it over and over again…

Your brain is stopping you from being successful because it is identifying success as a threat. 

Sound familiar? 

Procrastination and perfectionism are two big signs that you are in fear, they are not who you are, it is simply your brain going into fear and putting the breaks on you moving forward into the unknown) 

I hope that blows your mind!

So, when we go into success rejection it’s because our identity (who we think we are) is not in alignment with what we want. 

So, we may create what we want and still not be happy. Or we struggle and sabotage getting what we want because that is not who we are… 

I’m just a _________girl from ___________

I’m just a _________boy from ____________

Who do I think I am….

So, if you want to know more about success rejection, check out the video, where I go more in-depth about what it is and how to get out of it.

I talk about: 

  1. How your brain works
  2. To accept success you need to shift your identity to match your belief in success
  3. What is possible when you learn to shift your identity so it aligns with what you want, here are some of the responses I received from my clients when I ask the following question: 

What has changed for you since the coaching has started? What are your successes?

  • My marriage is better
  • My income has quadrupled
  • I’ve narrowed down my target market and niche
  • Work is pouring in
  • I no longer undercharge and over-deliver
  • I let go of trying to change other people and focus on what's in my control
  • I let go of feeling responsible for everyone else's happiness
  • I’ve released toxic relationships
  • I now invest in self-care
  • I feel stronger, more powerful, more in control
  • I’ve made updates in my home so that my environment is a happier/prettier one
  • My daily routine is more gentle
  • Eating issues are gone. I eat whatever I want and feel zero guilt.
  • Abandonment issues have been cleared
  • I love my body
  • I no longer stress about money
  • I have more patience 
  • I have more peace of mind
  • I am no longer living in a state of frustration
  • I approach every single thing in my life with love
  • I am happy
  • I’m practicing gratitude on a deeper level
  • I’m able to recognize when I’m on a low vibration and can move my way up the emotional scale
  • I love myself.

If you want to have a heart to heart chat about how I can support you in achieving your success  BOOK A CALL  


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