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The real secret to create 6 figures while feeling content

Uncategorized Nov 19, 2021


I kind of feel like an accidental entrepreneur…


I don’t feel like I was born with an entrepreneurial spirit where I dreamed of running my own business one day…


But, I did dream of helping people. 


So when I dug into my coaching certification I quickly realized that in order to be the kind of coach I wanted to be and to have the lifestyle I wanted to have, I needed to figure out this entrepreneur thing quickly. 


Luckily I had a couple of things going for me...I love being around people,  I’m good at selling & I love learning. 


Of course, those are some pretty obvious things that lead to being a successful entrepreneur, but I wanted to share with you some not so obvious things that I needed to learn that allowed me to create a 6 figure business, working approximately 5 hours a day & only working with people that I love working with. 


And,  no it’s not a secret, no-fail type of business system.


Are you ready for it...


You need to create safety for yourself. 


Wait, what?!? 


You need to learn how to create safety inside yourself so that no matter what happens you know you can and are willing to handle it. 


No matter what someone might say about you


No matter what the circumstance, you know you can handle it. 


If you haven’t done this yet, chances are all the business systems & strategies you have tried haven’t given you the success you have seen other people accomplish and you think that there is something wrong with you. 


There’s nothing wrong with you, chances are you just haven’t learned how to feel safe feeling any feeling.  


You need to learn how to not let any circumstance or feeling define you or stop you. 


👉If you want to be & feel successful you need to be willing to fail & to feel like a failure. 


👉If you want to feel content you need to be willing to be uncomfortable and have other people feel uncomfortable around you. 


👉If you want to be wealthy you need to be willing to learn how to feel safe if you lose it all. 


👉If you want to help people you need to be willing to allow others to help you.


This is the magic sauce.  This is what makes you really gritty, resilient, successful & content. 

Sending lots of love your way, Callie


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